Orchestra Handbook
Program goals
Specific objectives Code of conduct Behavior expectations Advanced requirements Student Leadership Grading Attendance expectations Concert attire Instrument rental How parents can help |
The Lafayette Orchestra handbook is distributed online at the beginning of the school year. This handbook contains much of the information a student and parent will need to have a successful year in the orchestra program.
Most importantly, there is a signature sheet (.pdf) for parents and students to sign indicating that you have read the information contained in the handbook. This signature sheet is the first assignment for students in the class. It is very important that this be signed and submitted online. |
ALL REGISTRATION forms can be signed from the link above.
For a printable copy
Includes the following:
LOA Booster Forms
FCPS Volunteer Form
Sponsorship Campaign
Absence Request
All requests for excused absences before or after school rehearsals are to be SUBMITTED IN WRITING. If an absence is anticipated a written request for an excused absence should be submitted at least two days in advance and two weeks prior for a performance.
Request for an Excused Absence (after school events)
Make Up Assignment
As part of your class grade and to have a valuable musical experience, you must be in attendance to every in-school rehearsal. It is crucial that you contribute to the preparation for each performance. When you miss class, you miss out on valuable instruction that can help you improve your understanding of technique and musicianship. It is the responsibility of each member of the team to make up the practice they miss during rehearsals.
Rehearsal Make Up Survey
Booster Bookkeeping Forms
Sign and Submit Forms Electronically
Lafayette Orchestra Boosters uses Sign Now as our online form management system. You may sign and submit forms all through your browser or smart phone app. Simple as that! No more lost papers.