Tri-M Points System
Members of Tri-M, begin tracking your Tri-M points. Tri-M encourages active rather than passive membership. While being an active musician is not easily quantifiable, we will attempt to track your musical endeavors through a point system. Print POINT SHEET and return to Mr. Breeck by the FIRST FRIDAY in MAY
Points Criteria:
Honor Ensembles (Extracurricular)
Points Criteria:
- Activities must be associated with a music activity.
- You must earn 8 points per year.
- If you are missing points, your deficit will carry over to the next year.
- Seniors MUST finish their points (8 + any missing points) in order to be awarded your Tri-M graduation cords.
- You may NOT use school required events or events where you receive compensation. This includes any graded activity or service hours you are using to satisfy another program or requirement.
- You may earn points by completing non music tasks for the Lafayette Music Department with the approval of a director.
Honor Ensembles (Extracurricular)
- Auditioning for an honor ensemble- 1 point per round auditioned
- Performing in an honor ensemble- 1 point
- Auditioning for an All State Ensemble- 1 point per round auditioned
- Performing for an All State Ensemble- 2 points
- KMEA Solo & Ensemble- 1 point per Distinguished event
- Concerto Competition- 1 point for audition, 1 point for performing
- Other extracurricular music competitions not required be your department- 1 point per competition
- Performing in any extracurricular ensemble not required by your department (does not have to be affiliated with LHS or SCAPA)- 1 point per 9 weeks of active participation and 1 point per public performance.
- Drama events with music such as LHS Musical or SCAPA Spring Musical- 2 points (includes rehearsals and performances)
- Ushering at a school music event in which you are NOT performing- 1 point per event
- Setting up/ tearing down equipment for a school music event in which you are NOT performing- 1 point per event
- Holding a music leadership position in your ensemble or group- 1 point per 9 weeks position is held
- Music tutor/ mentor- 1 point per 2 hours worked
- Attending Tri-M meetings- 1 point per meeting
- Performances or rehearsals required for a class.
- Auditions required for your ensemble or class.
- Music activities in which you are paid or compensated in some way.
- Private lessons.